Changelog #003

Custom Required Documents, Certification Imports, Previewing Passes

June 20, 2023

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Custom Required Documents

You can now define custom required documents for each pet to complete in Barkpass, in addition to the global options such as Rabies, Distemper, Bordetella, and more. This requires the user to upload a document and (optionally) an expiration date.

This could be useful if you require proof of a pet license or membership, but you do not sell the license or membership through Barkpass.

Learn more about custom required documents.

Certifications can now be imported

Barkpass now allows you to import certifications (i.e. expiration dates for known required documents like Rabies, Distemper, and even custom document types).

Learn more about certification imports.

Invoices can have an anchor date

New customers who sign up for Barkpass using an invoice can now set an anchor date for their subscription.

This is useful if your organization has an annual budget allocation and wishes for Barkpass to renew at a certain date and time.

Learn more about paying by invoice.

Previewing Passes

You can now preview passes as an administrator on your customer-facing landing page, including passes which are not available to the general public. This allows you to preview your customers' application experience without being required to publish the pass first.

Previewing Passes _ Barkpass.gif

Learn more about previewing passes

Ferrets are now supported in Barkpass

You heard that right! You can now add ferrets to your list of eligible pet types when selling passes.